Florian Weidner


Dr.-Ing. Florian Weidner

Computer Scientist (HCI, AR/VR/XR, Human Factors)

2023 - today: Postdoctoral Researcher @ Lancaster University (https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/scc/research/interactive-systems/)

2015 - 2023: PhD and Postdoctoral Researcher @ TU Ilmenau (https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/vwds/)

2009 - 2015: B. Sc and M.Sc. @ TU Dresden (https://www.tu-dresdem.de)

2003 - 2009: Mechatronic technician @ Braun GmbH (https://www.braun.de/)

hello [at] florianweidner [dot] de (private)

f.weidner [at] lancaster [dot] ac [dot] uk (business)


Researcher. Media Computer Science. Books. Audiobooks. Moutainbiking. Runner. Squash. Tideness. Wanderlust. New things. Relax. Spring. Museums. Theaters. Sitcoms. Friends. Programmer. Tech-lover. Trekkie. Lord Of The Rings. Science. Comics. Knights. Future.